Wednesday, October 16, 2013



 Dear Students,

            Your lesson plan records and observation records are to be signed and sealed by the Headmistress/Headmaster of the respective schools of teaching practice.  Get all your instructional materials (Charts, flash cards etc.,) signed by the supervising teachers.  Following are the various works you are to submit and stick on to the dates mentioned.  Works which are submitted later than the given dates will not be considered for marking.

Micro Teaching Record
10th October 2013
Observation Record ( 5 Classes of Supervising teachers)
30th November 2013
Specific Album & Blackboard Sketches Albums
9th December 2013
Instructional Material Record
10th December 2013
Branching Programme (For Optional II)
30th December 2013
Linear Programme (For Optional I)
30th December 2013
Website Evaluation
3rd January 2014
Test & Measurement Record
10th January 2014
Composite Scene
20th January 2014
Textbook Review (Optional I students only)
3rd January 2014

 Have great time during your teaching practice!
Create! Innovate! Enjoy! Experience!


Questions to Discuss from Unit II &III (Optional II)
Note to the students:
Dear Students!
            Refer to the library books and prepare answers for the following questions.  You can work in groups to prepare the answers and have discussion in your practice teaching schools.  This discussion will help you lot for the first internal examination.
Have good time during your practice teaching!
Stay tuned with your regular work!
Good Luck!
Discuss with your friends and write an essay on the following in about 500 words.
1.      What in your opinion is the status of English in India today?
2.      What are the aims of teaching English as a second language?
3.      What are the utilitarian values of teaching English?
4.      Mention the different values and objectives of teaching English.
5.      What are the linguistic principles of foreign language teaching?
6.      Mention the psychological principles of foreign language teaching.
7.      What is the scope of B.Ed English curriculum?
8.      Mention Bloom’s taxonomy of Educational objectives with special reference to English.
9.      Mention the difference between teaching of prose and poetry.
10.  As a teacher of English how will you teach grammar in an interesting way?
11.  What are the various composition exercises you will use in teaching English?
Discuss with your friends and write on the following in about 300 words.
1.      Do you think English has a good future in India?  Substantiate your answer with examples.
2.      Why is English a skill rather than a knowledge subject?
3.      How the knowledge of mother tongue interferes in the learning of English?
4.      What is TRANSFER or pull of the mother tongue?
5.      What are the steps involved in the preparation of a lesson plan?
6.      Mention the components of any five micro teaching skills.
7.      Write an episode to teach any particular micro skill.
8.      Bring out the role of teacher educators and guide teachers in developing the teaching skills.
9.      What are the aims of teaching poetry?
10.  Mention the aims of teaching prose.
11.  What are the various poetic devices used in poetic writing?
12.  Mention the difference between prescriptive and descriptive grammar teaching.
Discuss with your friends and write on the following in about 100 words.
1.      Why is English a window of the modern world?
2.      English is considered as a library language – do you agree?  How?
3.      What are the educational opportunities of learning this language?
4.      What are the basic aims of teaching English as a second language in schools?
5.      How to create interest among the learners to learn English?
6.      What are the differences between L1 & L2?
7.      What are the uses of mother tongue in teaching English?
8.      What is a lesson plan?
9.      What are the characteristics of a good lesson plan?
10.  Define a unit plan.
11.  Mention the uses of a lesson plan.
12.  In your opinion what are the qualities of a good teacher of English?
13.  What is the importance of instructional objectives?
14.  Mention how you will write specific objectives of a poem.
15.  What is the difference between general and specific objectives?
16.  Define micro teaching.
17.  Mention the micro teaching cycle.
18.  What are the uses of micro teaching?
19.  Mention the various skills involved in micro teaching.
20.  What is a link lesson?
21.  Define a demonstration lesson.
22.  What is the role of peer group in developing teaching skills?
23.  What is an observation lesson?
24.  Mention the difference between guided and controlled composition.
25.  What are the symbols used in the correction of composition exercises?


Questions to Discuss from Unit II, III, IV, V & VI

Note to the students:

Dear Students!

          Refer to the library books and prepare answers for the following questions.  You can work in groups to prepare the answers and have discussion in your practice teaching schools.  This discussion will help you a lot for the first internal examination.

Have good time during your practice teaching!

Stay tuned with your regular work!

Good Luck!



Discuss with your friends and write an essay on the following in about 500 words.

1.      Discuss the different conventional formulae in English.

2.      How will you express various concepts in English?

3.      How are errors caused in English and what is the remedial measures you will take to remove errors?

4.      Discuss word formation in English

5.      Mention the different patterns of spelling and why is it difficult to learn English spelling.

6.      What are the principles followed in selecting and grading English vocabulary.


Discuss with your friends and write on the following in about 300 words.

1.      What are the criteria to be followed in describing pictures?

2.      How can we interpret a table?

3.      What are the uses of graphs?

4.      Mention the characteristics of maps.

5.      Write about the various types of drilling in English.

6.      Explain MHQ.

7.      Explain the types of sentences.

8.      Write about the functions of auxiliaries.

9.      Write about phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases.

10.  What are the devices used in English for cohesion and coherence.

11.  Bring out the difference between formal and functional grammar.

12.  Discuss the different ways to test English grammar.

13.  Differentiate active and passive vocabulary

14.  How will you expand English vocabulary?

15.  What are the different strategies followed in teaching English vocabulary.


Discuss with your friends and write on the following in about 100 words.

1.      Define drilling.

2.      Write a note on the following  - Suggestion, prohibition, Likelihood, concession

3.      How will you refuse an invitation?

4.      What are the different ways to thank and greet?

5.      What is noun phrase?

6.      What is verb phrase?

7.      What are the difference between sub ordinate and co ordinate clause?

8.      Mention two types of sentences.

9.      Define question tag with example

10.  Write a note on reported speech.

11.  How are errors caused in English?

12.  What are the remedial measures for errors?

13.  What is the nature of English vocabulary?

14.  What are the ways to elaborate English vocabulary?