Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Questions to Discuss from Unit VI, VII, VIII & IX (Optional II English)

Questions to Discuss for the Third Internal Examination
Dear Students!

          Refer to the library books and prepare answers for the following questions.  You can work in groups to prepare the answers and have group discussion.  This discussion will help you to prepare well for the third internal which will help a lot in the preparation for the university examination.

 Good Luck!


 Answer the following in about 100 words.

1.      What is the difference between validity and reliability?

2.      What is a proficiency test?

3.      What are the difference between diagnostic test and achievement test?

4.      Define item analysis.

5.      Define item difficulty.

6.      Define item discrimination.

7.      What are the sub-skills of listening?

8.      Bring out the uses of tape recorders in teaching listening.

9.      Define a parallel sentence with an example.

10.  What is dramatization?

11.  What is a role play and how it is used in teaching speaking?

12.  Mention few communication games and their uses.

13.  What is the importance of storytelling?

14.  Write a note on the process involved in reading.

Answer the following in about 300 words.

1.      What are the difference between measurement and evaluation?

2.      What are the characteristics of a good test?

3.      Bring out the difference between formative and summative evaluation.

4.      Write in detail about the various types of objective tests.

5.      What are the different types of tests?

6.      Write note on standardized tests and teacher made tests.

7.      Mention the difference between listening for perception and listening for comprehension.

8.      Write about the three phases of listening.

9.      What are the various activities that are helpful in developing the skill of listening?

10.  Mention the techniques of teaching speaking.

11.  What are the barriers of effective communication?

12.  How can oral fluency be tested?

13.  What are the different characteristics of efficient readers?

14.  Write about reading for perception and reading for comprehension.

15.  How will you test reading comprehension?

Answer  the following in about 500 words.

1.      Explain the various steps involved in constructing an achievement test with suitable examples.

2.      Write an essay on the various activities that can be used to develop the oral fluency of secondary students.

3.      As a teacher of English what are the reading strategies you will follow to promote the skill of reading among secondary school students.

4.      What are the various types of reading?

5.       What are the various methods of teaching reading?

Questions to discuss for third internal examination from Optional I

Questions to discuss for third internal examination from Optional I

 Dear Students!

          Refer to the library books and prepare answers for the following questions.  You can work in groups to prepare the answers and have group discussion.  This discussion will help you to prepare well for the third internal which will help a lot in the preparation for the university examination.

 Good Luck!


 Answer the following in about 100 words each.

1.      What are the importance of study skills?

2.      What are dictionary skills?

3.      What are reference and study skills?

4.      Write a note on bibliography with an example.

5.      What is annotated bibliography?

6.      Mention the various symbols followed in correcting English composition.

7.      What are the uses of pair work?

8.      What are the uses of group work?

9.      Write a note on note making.

10.  Mention the characteristics of translation.

11.  What are the uses of abstracting in different fields?

12.  Mention the different strategies of summarizing.

Answer the following in about 300 words.

1.      Explain study skills.

2.      Explain reference skills.

3.      What do you understand by SQ3R method of reading?

4.      Illustrate the uses of library and reference work.

5.      Mention the difference between controlled composition and free composition.

6.      Differentiate controlled composition and guided composition.

7.      What are the characteristics of a good summary?

8.      What are the steps to be followed in essay writing?

9.      What are the characteristics of a good paragraph?

10.  Mention the steps followed in writing a prĂ©cis.

11.  What are the steps followed in expanding a proverb.

12.  Why should oral composition precede written composition?

13.  Write about English Intonation.

14.  Illustrate diphthongs with a diagram.
Answer the following in about 500 words.

1.      What are the different kinds of compositions that can be used in secondary classes?

2.      Bring out the different types of letter writing.

  1. Classify the consonants according to place & manner of articulation.
         4.      Classify the vowels according to their manner of articulation.